Where Speed, Efficiency, & Accuracy Align

Anavasi’s mission: to save lives around the world with better diagnostics.

COVID-19 made us all aware that combating the threat of a deadly pandemic would require fast, accurate and widely available diagnostic capabilities. The time had come for a new molecular test for healthcare professionals. 

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Barry Lutz, Bob Atkinson, and Minh Duong saw that they could make a difference by developing a new way to test for the disease.

“We have to make tests available for people who need them.”

“Not all patients can (or should) come in to a centralized hospital or clinic.”

“No one should have to wait for days to get an accurate, actionable diagnosis.”

“The best science and engineering can reduce complexity and expense.”

And so, they began. 

Professor Barry Lutz had been working on point-of-care testing devices to diagnose flu and HIV. Bob Atkinson, a doctoral candidate in bioengineering in the Lutz Lab, was ready to take on new challenges after spending 20 years as a senior software engineer at Microsoft. Minh Duong came in as a product development engineer to help make the device “real.” In less than a year from the founding of the company in August 2020, the AscencioDx detector and test kits were ready for clinical trials.

The resulting device is unlike anything on the market today. The AscencioDx COVID-19 Molecular Detector. Fast. Affordable. Accurate. A rugged little instrument that can be used to run thousands of tests, giving highly accurate molecular results in about half an hour. Its design represents the best of sophisticated mechanical and bioengineering, yet it is easy to use.  

At Anavasi Diagnostics, we believe that early detection is critical to controlling the spread of contagious diseases.

We believe that early diagnosis leads to better medical outcomes.

We believe that high-quality testing should be available to everyone.

Anavasi Diagnostics is here to fill that need. 

Innovation. Passion. Anavasi.